let start with thursday. was working in the morning shift. after work went down to sJia's bbq. yeah. stay there to play mahjong till 3am. woah. i miss my mahjong days with joey and qingdian. all the laughter and joke! after that sJia's frdd minghui send us back. he's so kind. =) slpt around 4 and woke up at 715am for school. darn. haa.
but that day i don really feel tired. cos i got the two crazy one to accompany. haa. hate lecture in the morning for an hour which is from 9am to 10am and is super boring. after that the three of us went town. slack around,laugh around and create all the stupid jokes. haa.its fun to slack with the two of them. slack till 2 plus and went to meet terence and went to school. had external drawing. for goodness sake, i drew so little thing during that two hours. haa. im pretty slow!
after that was work. nothing much to blog about already. am gonig to bed soon. going to rest and i wan to complete my homework tmrw since i am on mc. yeah. anyway, will try to upload photos everyday. haa. since now its so easy to load one in. thats all. goodnight!

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